
    艾迪 中国 足球(Audi Commits to Bolstering Chinese Football)

    2024.05.31 | admin | 19次围观

    艾迪 中国 足球(Audi Commits to Bolstering Chinese Football)

    As the world's largest market for automobiles, China is a key focus for car manufacturers. But when it comes to sports, football in particular, China has yet to reach the same level of success. Enter Audi, the German luxury car manufacturer, which has committed to supporting the development of football in China.

    The Partnership

    Audi has signed a three-year partnership with the Chinese Football Association (CFA) to work together on a range of initiatives to boost the sport in China. The partnership includes support for the national team, grassroots football, and women's football.

    One of the key initiatives of the partnership is the Audi Football Summit, a tournament that brings together teams from around China to compete against each other. The summit aims to provide a platform for young players to showcase their skills and gain valuable experience, while also promoting the sport and the Audi brand.

    Why China Needs Audi's Help

    Despite China's huge population and love for football, the country has yet to make a significant impact on the world stage. The national team has only ever qualified for one World Cup, in 2002, and failed to win a single match. The lack of success is partly due to a lack of investment in grassroots football and youth development programs.

    This is where Audi comes in. With its commitment to supporting the development of football in China, Audi can provide the much-needed investment and expertise to help the sport grow. By working with the CFA and other partners, Audi can help build a sustainable football development program that will benefit players, fans, and the wider community.

    The Benefits of the Partnership

    The Audi-CFA partnership has already started to make a positive impact on football in China. The Audi Football Summit has provided a platform for young players to showcase their skills and gain valuable experience. At the 2019 summit, over 6,000 young footballers from around China participated in the tournament.

    The partnership has also helped to raise the profile of football in China and increase interest in the sport. This is particularly true for women's football, where Audi is providing support for the Chinese Women's National Team and grassroots women's teams.

    艾迪 中国 足球(Audi Commits to Bolstering Chinese Football)

    Audi's Commitment to Sustainability

    Audi's commitment to supporting the development of football in China is part of a wider commitment to sustainability. In addition to supporting football, Audi is investing in renewable energy and reducing emissions from its cars. Audi aims to have a carbon-neutral production process by 2025 and to be carbon-neutral across its entire value chain by 2050.

    By supporting football in China, Audi is not only helping to develop the sport but also promoting the wider values of sustainability and responsibility.


    The Audi-CFA partnership is an exciting development for football in China. With Audi's commitment to sustainability and expertise in sports marketing, the partnership has the potential to make a significant impact on the sport and the wider community. By investing in grassroots football, supporting the national team, and promoting women's football, Audi is helping to build a sustainable future for football in China.


